
“A distinctive songwriter with a warm, powerful, inherently melodic baritone, a fine guitarist and a devastating wit … enormous writing gifts, capable of putting chills into your spine or a silly grin on your face…”

-Jeff McLaughlin, The Boston Globe

Hello there, 

In these complex and concerning times, I have my role in the new normal. What hasn’t changed is I’ll write and perform and try to create art that is mutually satisfying to you and me. 

Some of my new songs are angry, some are peaceful and lovely, some are just plain silly. They all are truthful, which has been the unwritten contract with you that I have taken seriously from the beginning.

The truth has taken a real beating.  Scientific fact is constantly questioned but, not in the process of the scientific method (which allows for mistakes but not lying), just an arbitrary denial of facts for political or monetary gain. Insanity is the word that comes to mind. Insanity in this case is a euphemism for blatant manipulation.  

Now, half the world has become unglued, and we can’t spend half of our lives looking at our watches and inventing reasons to extricate ourselves from an unproductive conversation or an unwinable argument.  It is the silence and deadening acceptance of a rising fascism and embrace of ignorance that is an open wound. If I were into body art, I might consider a tattoo of Chicken Little or the quaint Spanish saying,

“vete a la mierda en tu sombrero.”

Speaking the truth through art and performance is my contribution in my attempt to fight the reality of our time – the movie you would not pay to see. There is still plenty of room for laughter and warm feeling. That has not changed.

We must continue to keep a candle lit in the darkness for our sanity and a light burning in the window as a sign of hope to strangers.

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